Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pure Heart

David was a man who is known most for his defeat of Goliath the giant. How in the world could a young teenager defeat an experienced warrior like Goliath? David was close to God, and God was with David in everything that he did. When he was tending his flock, and a lion would snatch one of his sheep, David would run after the lion, rescue the sheep from its certain death, and then would kill the lion. He did the same with a bear! It's impossible right? Wrong! When your heart is pure, and God is with you, anything is possible. One day, David was sent by his father to go and see how his brothers were doing on the battle field, and he obediently delivered bread and cheese for them to eat. While he was there, this Philistine was mocking God and mocking Israel. David became angry because no one would go fight this guy. They all were hiding out in fear. David, after some time, finally convinced King Saul that he could defeat this giant. Saul had David wear armor made for a fully grown adult man, but after a few practice swings, David told Saul that God equiped him with a sling, not a sword. And that it didn't matter what the weapon was that he went into battle with. It was that God would go into battle with David, and God would defeat the giant, just as he defeated the bear and the lion. David went on to be the greatest King in Israels history, because his heart was pure, and his motives were just.
May we have a desire to have a pure heart and seek whatever it is that God has for us. May we be Lion chasers, and giant killers! May we be World Changers for Christ Jesus!

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